Lash Escape: Travel-Friendly Lash Extension Care Tips for Jet-Setting Clients

Lash Escape: Travel-Friendly Lash Extension Care Tips for Jet-Setting Clients

Jet-setting with fabulous lashes? Keep them flawless wherever you go!

Whether you’re headed to a tropical getaway or you’re embarking on a multi-country European adventure, there are some key care instructions you should know so that your lashes last. 

The truth is that whether your escape includes heat and humidity or the polar opposite - the cold -  the challenges of a changing climate have the potential to wreak havoc on your lash extensions.

You’ve taken the time to select the best lashes for your next getaway. Now, with a little extra knowledge and TLC, you can breeze through your trip looking fabulous with fabulously fresh lashes that take you from point A to B, flawlessly.

Here’s what you need to know.

Pack Essential Eyelash Extension Care Products

With the right eyelash extension aftercare products onboard, you’re in the best position to have your lashes last.

Here are a few that are recommended to help care for and extend the life of your lashes:

  1. Eyelash extension cleanser: Sugarlash PROs LashPURE Eyelash Extensions Cleanser is especially formulated to effortlessly remove dirt, oil and makeup. As an ophthalmologist tested cleansing formula, it’s an absolute must-have.

  2. Lash glaze: Sugarlash Society’s Glaze for Lash Extensions gives your lashes a pop of color while providing a nourishing boost so you have stronger lashes that are perfectly in place. 

  3. Professional eyelash brush: Maintaining lash extensions starts with a great brush! Sugarlash Society’s Dual Ended Lash Extensions Comb and Brush you to fully set and perfect your extension set and cleanse the entire eye area of all makeup and impurities, creating a clean canvas for great lashes. 

It’s also important to consider that having the right products for the climate you’re traveling to is key. Here’s what you need to know about how to prepare for various climate conditions:

  • Humid Climates: Use an oil-free cleanser to prevent buildup.

  • Dry Climates: Apply a lash serum for hydration.

  • Cold Climates: Avoid harsh winds and protect lashes with glasses or goggles.

Leave Waterproof Mascara at Home

While waterproof mascara can seem like a ‘must’ because of the way it can help enhance your lashes through wind, rain, humidity and more, the truth is, it’s a no-no for your lash extensions.


Simply put, the ingredients that are necessary to make the mascara waterproof are damaging to the bond that holds your lushes lashes on. Plus, when you go to remove waterproof mascara, you’ll need to do so with an oil-based cleanser - which is like a one-two punch for your lash bond. Oil based cleansers also serve to break the adhesive apart.

So, while waterproof mascara seems like a great choice for travel, the truth is that it’s never a good idea to combine it with the lash extensions that you and your lash artist have so carefully selected and applied.

Protect your lash investment, and leave the waterproof mascara at home.

Deepen Your R&R and Protect Your Lash Extensions with an Eye Mask

Changes in climate when you’re on the ground are one consideration, but have you thought about what happens at altitude? 

When you fly, the air within the cabin tends to be drier. The trouble with dry air is that it has the potential to make the bond between your lashes brittle, leading to poor lash retention (note: colder climates are more prone to lash damage for this reason too).

Keep your lashes protected and extend their longevity under low humidity conditions by using a comfortable eye mask.

Chances are, the mask will actually do double duty for you - first off by protecting your lashes, and secondly by ensuring that you seize each moment to relax. Plus, you never know when the mask will come in handy at your destination. Sometimes a blackout mask is perfect for ensuring you get some sleep,

Just note that not any old sleep mask will do

For extension wearers, masks with a ‘cupped’ area over the eye prevents the mask from pushing and pulling on your lashes. And some people also like to combine a cupped eye mask with silk fabric, claiming that doing so also provides anti-wrinkle protection too.

Make Lash Care Part of Your Care Routine On the Go

While travel offers us the exciting opportunity to break free from the routine of regular life, make sure that you’re not leaving self-care behind. 

Just a few moments spent on a beauty routine with the right products formulated for eyelash extensions can make a world of difference. 

Book a Lash Refill Appointment Before You Leave

Perhaps one of the best gifts you can give your future self, is a pre-booked lash fill appointment with your favorite Sugarlash PRO artist. 

After all, returning from travel can be hard to recover from - with jetlag and unpacking and regular life to catch up on. 

With your lash refill appointment set before you leave, you’ll have self-care baked into your schedule when you return. 

Put Your Best Face Forward As You Travel, with Sugarlash PRO Eyelash Extension Care Products

Explore Sugarlash PRO’s travel-friendly lash care products and ensure your lashes stay stunning, no matter where your adventures take you!


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