Ask the Educators: What's the best way to optimize my adhesives?

Ask the Educators: What's the best way to optimize my adhesives?


You’ve ordered a great new adhesive that promises the fastest, strongest hold and the best results — then you get it, and it doesn’t work exactly how . Maybe it’s gummy; maybe it’s too runny; maybe it dries too slowly or quickly.

So is the problem your adhesive, your environment, or you?

When you have an ultra-fast-drying adhesive like Bond Noir, the expectation is a dry time that literally goes in a flash — 0.5 seconds, to be exact! So if it’s taking a long time to dry (we’re talking more than a few minutes), something else might be the culprit.

We talked to Sugarlash PRO Educators Crystal and Tamra for all the factors they watch for to optimize their favorite adhesives! 

1. Humidity

Every lash artist knows that humidity that’s too high or low in the lashing space wreaks havoc on even the most elite adhesive. Use a hygrometer to measure the conditions in your studio or salon, and make sure they meet the optimum levels listed for the adhesive you’re using. If it’s too high, look into getting an AC or dehumidifier for the room. If the humidity is high, increase the amount of adhesive you pick up, or decrease if the humidity is low. 

Your other option is to use a more flexible adhesive. While Bond Noir’s optimum RH range is 45-55%, Signature Bond can handle humidity levels of 20-75%! 

2. Temperature 

Everybody loves the heat — except Bond Noir! To beat the heat, make sure your temperature is below 23℃, invest in an air conditioner to help regulate the temperature in your space or the adhesive runs the risk of becoming gummy and stringy. 

3. Refresh frequently 

We all perform best when we are feeling fresh and so does Bond Noir! It’s important to refresh your adhesive drop sooner, ideally every 10-15 mins. Ensure you are not dispensing directly into a crystal plate, as this will cause the adhesive drop to spread. Instead, use a piece of paper tape on top of these surfaces to place the adhesive drop onto so it stays in a nice dome shape. This will keep the adhesive fresh for a longer period of time.

4. Speed

The most advanced adhesives require a practiced hand. With Bond Noir, it’s important to drop your adhesive dot quickly and change them sooner. Also, make  sure you have a lash isolated before dipping the extension in the adhesive With a dry time of less than 1 second, Bond Noir is at its best when used by experienced lash artists.

5. Shake it like a Polaroid picture

Like a great martini, adhesives work best when shaken. And with a thin, strong adhesive like Bond Noir, the bottle should actually be shaken for at least 3 minutes before use. Take your time, shake it out, and watch your results change! 

6. Storage
You probably know that adhesives should be kept in a dry place at room temperature. Your best bet for achieving this? Grab a container, fill it with dry rice or place a silica pack within it, and place your adhesive in it, ensuring the lid is airtight. Want to extend the life of your adhesives if you’re ordering in bulk? Freeze them! As long as they are unopened, ALL Sugarlash PRO adhesives can be frozen for up to 12 months without deteriorating! 
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